Mail Security

This function is only available for the Advanced plan.

For the safe use of LINE WORKS Mail, set company-wide security policy for the Mail services.

Import external email

You can set whether to allow each member to use the 'Import external email' function.

However, if 'Security' > 'Network Security' is set to 'Allow access from designated IPs only', you cannot import external emails.

For the users who have been using other mail services, this feature allows them to view emails sent to both the email address of other providers and the LINE WORKS Mail service.

  1. Select 'Security' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Mail Security' to access the page. On mobile, tap the button to access the menus.
  2. Press right to the 'Import external email' field to edit.
  3. Change the settings for the 'Import external email' field.
    • Allow: All members can use the 'Import external email' function.
    • Do not allow: All members cannot use the 'Import external email' function.
      If this option is already selected, all set information will be deleted.
  4. At the top right, press 'Save'.

Attach files with download expiration date

You can set whether to allow sending files larger than the 'Attachment size limit' in Mail.

If the function is on, the file that exceeds the attachment limit can be downloaded up to 100 times in 7 days.

You can set the 'Attachment size limit' for emails in the 'Admin > Service > Mail > General' page.

If you are allowed to send 'Files with download time limit', the maximum number and file size of attachments can be set in the 'Admin > Service > Mail > General' page.

Setting function Description Admin menu location
Attachment size limit You can set the maximum file size of the attachments available for download without any restrictions. Admin > Service > Mail > General
Files with download time limit - Allow Attachment You can choose whether to allow sending attachment files larger than the set file size limit in Mail.

These files can be downloaded up to 100 times in 7 days.

Admin > Security > Mail Security
Files with download time limit (Attachment count limit and Attachment size limit) When sending a file larger than the set file size limit, you can set the maximum number and file size that members can attach per email. Admin > Service > Mail > General


  1. Select 'Security' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Mail Security' to access the page. On mobile, tap the button to access the menus.
  2. Press right to the 'Files with download time limit' field to edit.
  3. Choose whether to use the 'Files with download time limit' function.
    • Allow: The file that exceeds Attachment size limit can be downloaded up to 100 times in 7 days.
    • Do not allow: You cannot attach a file larger than the Attachment size limit.
  4. At the top right, press 'Save'.

Email backup/Save to PC

You can set whether to allow members to use the mailbox backup function and save the original email to PC.

    1. Select 'Security' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Mail Security' to access the page. On mobile, tap the button to access the menus.
    2. Press right to the 'Mail backup / Save to PC' field to edit.
    3. Select whether to turn the 'Mail backup / Save to PC' on or off.
      • ON : All members can use the 'Mail backup / Save to PC' function.
      • OFF : All members cannot use the 'Mail backup / Save to PC' function.
    4. At the top right, press 'Save'.

Block images/links of external emails

Set whether to block images or links in the body of emails when emails sent from outside the company are received.

Block can be applied to all members, or members can choose to apply them separately.

Even if images/links are blocked, members can click 'Display images/links' to view attached images and links.

  1. Select 'Security' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Mail Security' to access the page. On mobile, tap the button to access the menus. 
  2. Press on the right of the 'Block images/links from external emails' field.
  3. Select how to apply 'Block images/links from external emails'
    • Required - Block image/link in the mail of all members: Set all members' accounts to block images/links by default when receiving external emails.
    • Optional - Give options to each member: Each member can autonomously set whether to block images/links when receiving external emails.
  4. Press 'Save' at the top.

Security warning for sending externally

When a member sends an email to an external email address, a security warning dialogue box is displayed immediately before sending.

You can set the security warning dialogue box to be displayed for all emails sent to external email addresses or only under certain conditions.

However, if the sender is a mailing list (DL) that includes an external email address, the security warning dialogue will not be displayed.

Security warning settings for outgoing emails

  1. Select 'Security' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Mail security' to access the page. On mobile, tap the button to access the menus. 
  2. Press on the right of the 'Outgoing email security alert' field to switch to editable state.
  3. Turn on the 'Outgoing email security alert' setting.
  4. Select whether to always display the security warning dialogue box or according to conditions.
    • Always apply: Display a warning dialogue for all emails sent to external email addresses.
    • Apply conditionally: Among emails sent to external email addresses, a warning dialogue is displayed only when the following conditions are met.
      • Only if attachments are included: Display the security warning dialogue only when there is an attachment.
      • 'Only if send "individually" is not checked': Displays the security warning dialogue only when sending 'Individually' is not selected.
      • Only if there is an attachment and send "individually" is not checked: A security warning dialogue is displayed only when there is an attachment and sending 'Individually' is not selected.
  5. Press 'Save' at the top.

Security warning text settings

Set the text of the security warning dialogue box to display before sending an email to an external email address.

  1. Select 'Security' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Mail security' to access the page. On mobile, tap the button to access the menus. 
  2. Press on the right of the 'Outgoing email security alert' field to switch to editable state.
  3. Turn on the 'Outgoing email security alert' setting.
  4. Press 'PC warning text settings', 'Mobile warning text settings' and enter the message.
    At this time, the phrases in the 'Default' tab are displayed in the following cases.

    • If the multi-languages set by the member in 'My Info > Language' of 'Settings'의 is not added to 'Admin > Company Information > Set Multi-language'
    • If the contents of the multi-language tab of 'Warning text settings' are not written separately
  5. Press 'Save' to save the warning text and then X to close the window.
  6. Press 'Save' at the top.

Security level settings

The security levels of LINE WORKS Mail include General, Restricted, and Confidential. The administrator can decide whether to use each security level.

Members can send an email by specifying one of the security levels currently in use.

  • General: General emails do not have set expiration dates and are always allowed to forward. Emails that members do not specify a security level are the 'General' level.
  • Restricted and Confidential: The security level for sending emails with critical information. You can change the security level and its name according to your company policy.
  • Level name: You can change the security level name by clicking 'Edit' next to the 'Restricted' and 'Confidential' levels.
    • The edited level name will be displayed in Admin and throughout services.
    • In the audit log, Restricted or Confidential is included in front of the new level name to distinguish the two.
    • Level-specific settings: You can change the setting on 'Expires after','Forwarding Prohibited', and 'Delete sent emails after expiration'.
    1. Select 'Security' from the left to expand the menu and press 'Mail Security' to access the page. On mobile, tap  to access the menus.
    2. Select 'Security level'.
    3. Press right to the 'Security level' field to edit.
    4. Select whether to use each security level.
      • Use: Members can specify a security level when sending an email.
      • Do not use: Members cannot specify a security level when sending an email. Also, all emails are treated as the 'General' level.
    5. If you turn on the 'Restricted' and 'Confidential', you make changes to advanced settings for 'Restricted' and 'Confidential' emails.
      • Expires after: The last date on which you can check the email. Emails that have passed the expiration date will be deleted. You can select from None, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months.
      • Forwarding Prohibited: Restrict recipients from forwarding the email to another person.
      • Delete sent emails after expiration: After the expiration date, an email will also be deleted from the sender's 'Sent' mailbox.
    6. At the top, press 'Save'.

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